Congratulations Dr. Naftaly!

Alice Naftaly successfully defended her dissertation, “Exploring recombination landscapes at multiple scales in threespine stickleback fish.” She is moving on to a postdoc position with Dr. Diana Libuda at the University of Oregon. We are so excited to see what you discover next!

To maintain social distancing we had to have a Zoom celebration with pickup party packs!

To maintain social distancing we had to have a Zoom celebration with pickup party packs!

With party hats!

With party hats!

Michael White
Bye Shana!

We are sad to see Shana Pau move on from our lab, but we are excited to see her start graduate school. The University of Texas, Arlington is lucky to have you!

Michael White
Congratulations graduates!

Congratulations to Barquiesha Madison, Will Jones, and Georgette Adae-Mensah for finishing their undergraduate degree in Genetics. We will miss you in the lab!

Michael White
Barquiesha Madison receives the best undergraduate thesis award

Congratulations Barquiesha for receiving the 2020 outstanding undergraduate thesis award in the Genetics Department! Barquiesha was able to show female threespine stickleback fish have longer synaptonemal complexes compared to males during meiosis. Great work!

A female threespine stickleback meiocyte at pachytene, labeled for the cohesin protein, SMC3.

A female threespine stickleback meiocyte at pachytene, labeled for the cohesin protein, SMC3.

Michael White
The Lab is NSF Funded!

Our lab received a five year NSF CAREER award to explore “Meiotic double strand break repair on sex chromosomes.” We are incredibly excited for this opportunity!

Michael White