Mike White
Associate Professor, Department of genetics
HHMI Postdoctoral Fellow of the Life Sciences Research Foundation, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison
M.S. Washington State University
B.S. Western Washington University
Shannon Fox
Research technician & Fish Room Manager
M.S. University of Georgia
B.S. University of Georgia
Katie Benjamin
Graduate Student
B.S. Keene State College
Alexis Lambert
Graduate Student
B.S. University of Georgia
Jenny McCann
Graduate Student
M.S. University of Nebraska
B.S. University of Georgia
Matthew Treaster
Graduate Student
B.S. Presbyterian College
Alisha Arora
Undergraduate Student
Andrew Jung
Undergraduate Student
Bill Pevey
Undergraduate Student
Leigh Widjaja
Undergraduate Student
Lab Alumni
Kyra Solovei, Undergraduate Student
Wynter Ross, Summer Undergraduate Intern (SUNFIG)
Ryan Palmieri, Undergraduate Student
Erica Marlette, Summer Undergraduate Intern (SUNFIG)
Daniel Shaw, Ph.D. Genetics (2022)
Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Jeff Good at the University of Montana
Brittany Dorsey, Research Technician
Jasmine Brown, Summer Undergraduate Intern
Amanda Greenway, Undergraduate Student
John McGinnis, Research Technician
Shivangi Nath, Ph.D. Genetics (2021)
Current position: Clinical Informatics Analyst at Invitae
Alice Naftaly, Ph.D. Genetics (2020)
Current position: Visiting professor at Pacific University, Oregon
Mary Flanagan, Undergraduate Student
Lucy Welch, Undergraduate Student
Barquiesha Madison, Undergraduate Student
Will Jones, Undergraduate Student
Shana Pau, Research Technician
Current position: Graduate student with Jeff Demuth and Todd Castoe at the University of Texas, Arlington
Georgette Adae-Mensah, Undergraduate student
Alayna Shaffer, Undergraduate student
Ryan Musich, Summer undergraduate intern
Marina Moura, Undergraduate student
Justin Rave, Undergraduate student
Jacob Fuller, Research Technician
Current position: Implementation consultant at Fast Enterprises
Madison Zwink, Research Technician
Gabriela Ilarionova, Undergraduate student
Lucas Nell, Research Technician
Current position: Graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison